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Clothespin Crafts – Flowers

Clothespin Crafts for Preschool - Flower Petal Patterns and Fine Motor skills #clothespincrafts #flowercrafts #preschoolcrafts #planningplaytime

Do you like clothespin crafts?  We love them because, not only are mini clothespins fun and adorable – they are also
great for working on fine motor skills with your kids!

Preschoolers will benefit from this fun project, and they can take it home or un-clip their flower and build it over again for a fun sensory activity.

This isn’t the first time I’ve tried to incorporate fine motor work into my kids’ crafts. I guess I’m just sneaky that way! I’m always looking for new ways to help develop these important skills with my little ones. Give this craft a try with your kids to celebrate the coming of spring, and to work those little finger muscles without them even knowing it.

Clothespin Crafts for Preschool - Flower Petal Patterns and Fine Motor skills #clothespincrafts #flowercrafts #preschoolcrafts #planningplaytime

Do you have a collection of mini clothespins in your craft supplies? I recommend keeping one! We have a collection of assorted colors and use them for so many activities. They’re great for crafts, color matching, and fine motor work. Definitely worth a trip to the craft store.

I love these flowers, because they’re so different from any flower crafts we’ve made in the past. The clothespin petals create such a fun effect! The more clothespin colors, the better!

Clothepin Crafts for Preschool - Spring Flowers #clothespincrafts #flowercrafts #preschoolcrafts #planningplaytime

Clothespin Crafts – Flowers


What You Need:
Colored Mini Clothespins
● One regular sized clothespin or Craft Stick (Painted or colored green)
● Piece of cardboard cut into a circle
● Yellow marker or paint

*We are often asked where we get our supplies. Now we’re including easy links to help you find them in seconds. We may even get a small commission if you purchase through our links.

Clothespin Crafts for Preschool - Flower Petal Patterns and Fine Motor skills

To Make the Clothespin Flowers:
Cut a small circle from a piece of recycled cardboard to prepare this craft for your little one. I do this part beforehand, but if your child is old enough, they can do this step on their own.

Clothepin Crafts for Preschool - Spring Flowers #clothespincrafts #flowercrafts #preschoolcrafts #planningplaytime

Next, have your little one color in the cardboard circle (flower center) with yellow or orange. Markers or paint markers work great for this step. Using paint is an option, but you will have to wait a bit longer to let it dry before continuing on to the next step.

Attach the large green clothespin to the bottom as a flower stem. If you do not have the large clothespin, a wooden craft stick would work just as well! Then, attach each mini clothespin to the center – they will create the beautiful flower petals!

Clothepin Crafts for Preschool - Spring Flowers #clothespincrafts #flowercrafts #preschoolcrafts #planningplaytime

There you have it – some fine motor work and a colorful keepsake for the little ones to put on display this spring! Make more than one and turn it into a fun clothespin bouquet.

We want to see your version of our clothespin crafts. Share your pictures on social media with the hashtag #planningplaytime or tag us.

Can’t wait!

Clothespin Crafts for Preschool - Flower Petal Patterns and Fine Motor skills #clothespincrafts #flowercrafts #preschoolcrafts #planningplaytime

Meet The Author

This awesome idea is the genius of Molly Issacson, from Little Ones Learn. Find her sharing more amazing ideas on Instagram @littleoneslearn.

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