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Kindergarten Addition Activity

Colorful Addition Activity for Kids.I have a fun new Kindergarten Addition Activity for you today, and it takes no prep time. If you have two simple tools in your classroom, you have an instant math center that the kids will love.

The best educational tools, toys, and games are the ones that can be used over and over again for different activities. Dominoes are something we use often for all kinds of math fun. We also love Snap cubes, and use them in a number of our activities.

This Kindergarten Addition activity uses both. It teaches subitizing, counting and addition all in one little fun interactive game. This kindergarten math activity would be great to do in a math center or during free time. It can be easily stored in a bin and brought back out at a moments notice.

Kindergarten Addition Activity for kids using dominoes.

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Kindergarten Addition Activity

To do this activity, you will need:

Our favorite Colored Dot Dominoes

Snap Cubes with coordinating colors.

Kindergarten Addition activity for kids.

To do the activity, have the children pull a domino out of the pile. Matching up the colors, they must pull a Snap cube for each dot on the domino. When they have the correct number of each color, they can stack the two pieces together. Then count and add.

Fun Kindergarten Addition activity for kids.

If you want the children to record their answers, you could easily do that on a lined sheet of paper. Have them write out each addition sentence as they complete it. It will be fun to see how many different kinds of combinations they can find.

This activity is very visual, and require the children to count multiple times before actually adding the numbers together. It’s fantastic practice, but the colors and hands on aspect of it make it enjoyable.

Simple Kindergarten Addition Activity that kids will love

Thank you for stopping by to check out this fun Kindergarten Addition activity. Pin it for reference, and see the links above if you want to purchase the supplies.

If you love this activity, we’d love to have you stick around, and check out some of our other favorite math activities for kindergarten. Here are some we think you might like:

Cup Equations Math Activity for Kids

Ice Tray Addition Activity for Kindergarten


Kindergarten Counting Activity with Dominoes. So fun!

9 Responses

  1. These are some great ideas,especially the math cubes and coloured dot dominoes!I have just ordered the supplies and we will be doing this.

  2. Which number domino set did you choose? There are double twelve, double nine, and double six. Do you think one or another would be better for preschool? I was thinking double six.

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