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Push Pin Pre-Writing Activity for Kids

Pre-Writing Activity for KidsA reader request prompted this Push Pin Pre-Writing Activity for kids. They reached out to me on Facebook and asked for ideas on how to help their preschooler get interested in writing. This is my first idea.

Coordination and fine motor skills are important in early writing. This pre-writing activity focuses on those skills. It’s easy to create. It’s also simple to alter so you can continue to make the writing challenges new.

Push Pin Pre-Writing Activity for Kids

The first part of this activity is building the pin board. Take an old box, and cut out two matching rectangles from the cardboard. Mine was about 8 x 12 inches. Wrap the edges with duck tape to hold the board together. The double thickness will keep pins from pushing through and poking hands or furniture.

Push Pin Board for Pre-Writing Activity


Once your pin board is complete, place a sheet of paper on the board. Then design your writing pattern with pins. I turned ours into a maze so that my preschooler had to draw the line over one color of pins, and under the other color of pins.

Push Pin Maze Pre-Writing Activity for kids.

You can also do a straight line of pins, and have the children weave in and out between the two.

The best part is that you can easily change it up as often as you’d like. I do recommend an adult help out with this activity, just because there are push pins involved.

Another fun thing you can have children practice tracing is shapes. Use the pins to create circles, triangles, squares, or whatever other shapes you like. You could even have them color around some letters made of pins.

Drawing Shapes Pre-Writing Activity for Kids.

Once you’ve completed your activity, take the pins out of the board, and store them for later use. The board, which will have a few more holes than when you started, is still in great shape and ready to go for your next writing adventure.

Thank you for checking out our fun Push Pin pre-writing activity for kids. You can use this at home, school, or even for occupational therapy. We hope you enjoy it.

Happy Writing!

Awesome Pre-Writing Activity for kids.

8 Responses

    1. As early as you think they are ready. I would definitely supervise the younger ones, because there are pins involved. However, it is great fine motor and hand strength practice that you can do with tiny hands. Start with crayons and then move up to pencils, teaching the correct pencil grip.

  1. This is a great idea! Thanks! We used magnetic push pins from amazon for this project. We set up the pins and paper on a cookie sheet. My granddaughter had fun making her own ideas and moving the magnets was great for extra fine motor control exercise.

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