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Ocean Activities Preschool

Ocean Activities Preschool - Learning Summer Fun Ocean Theme

Ocean Activities is an exciting theme that captivates preschoolers’ imaginations. The morning tubs are bubbling with hands-on learning opportunities focused around the wonders of the ocean, providing a exciting way for children to engage and start their day.. Also, Ocean Math and Literacy Centers are fantastic for several reasons.

  1. Socialization: The activities provides opportunities for children to engage in collaborative learning through small groups, they can share materials, tackle challenges together, begin conversations, play, and learn with their tablemates. These activities foster teamwork and communication skills.
  2. Creativity and Play: Both are something we can build and increase by spending time working on it. Math and Literacy Centers are a perfect way to introduce a little more play and freedom into learning rather than traditional worksheets or morning work that kept kids busy but did not encourage creativity and play.
Ocean Activities Preschool - Morning Work Preschool

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Ocean Preschool Activities

Preschool Pattern Activities - Ocean Theme Preschool

Pearl Patterns

We love this ocean themed activity! By completing different patterns, children develop a solid foundation in recognizing while learning what comes next.

Preschool Fine Motor Tracing - Ocean Theme Preschool

Seaweed Tracing

Tracing is a wonderful way for preschoolers to develop fine motor skills. It allows them to practice their hand-eye coordination and writing tool control.

Ocean Theme Preschool Shapes - Shapes Activities for Preschool

Anglerfish Shapes

Dive into the ocean to practice matching different shapes, promoting recognition skills, critical thinking, and basic geometry. We love to use shape buttons or foam shapes.

Ocean Measurement Activities Preschool - Ocean Activities

Whale Spout Measurement

How high does the whale blow? Use your favorite manipulatives (goldfish, pom poms, counting blocks) to measure. Non-standard measurement is an essential foundational math skill introduced during the early learning stages.

Ocean Literacy Activities Preschool - Beginning Sounds Worksheets

Beginning Ocean Sounds

Another great learning opportunity while promoting phonemic awareness and letter sound recognition, while making the learning experience enjoyable and interactive. Write the letter or use toy letters, then choose the correct letter to match the picture.

Gross Motor Activity Cards - Movement for Preschoolers

Ocean Gross Motor Movement

Movement for preschoolers is important to promote physical development and coordination. Children can crawl, jump, and balance as they engage large muscle groups. Perfect outlet for all their energy too!

More Ocean Fun!

Ocean Math Activities Preschool - More or Less Counting

More or Less Shark Counting

Baby shark….wants to count with you! By comparing sets of objects, children get to practice counting and gain a foundational understanding of basic numerical concepts.

Letter Recognition Activities Preschool - Morning Work Preschool Activities

Alphabet Shells

You can use this letter recognition activity different ways. Draw letters on shells and place them in a sensory bin with sand and “dig” to find the matches. You can also cover each letter with a bingo chip or pom poms.

Beginning Sounds Activities Preschool - Ocean Activities Preschool

Ocean Sound Map

Explore the sounds of the ocean by choosing the pictures that match the letter sounds shown. Use flat marbles or bingo markers to identify your choice.

Counting Activities Preschool - Ocean Counting Activities

Counting Tentacles

This early math activity works on multiple skills like counting and number recognition. You could even use playdough to make tentacles too adding fine motor practice!

Ocean Activities Preschool - Morning Work Preschool

Looking for more fun Ocean printables?

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Ocean Binder Preschool - Low Prep Activities

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